nedelja, 16. september 2012

Ginta Lapina

Newest drawing. Reference photo was Ginta Lapina one of my favourite models.

And the quote that inspired the drawing, written by my sister:
Pozabljaš na čas, pozabljaš na stvari okoli tebe, pozabljaš na ljudi in predvsem nase. Dogodki si sledijo in grejo kar mimo tebe, ti pa obstaneš na enem in istem mestu in stojiš tam kot pribit. Nobena sapica vetra te ne more zmotiti, noben hrup se te ne dotakne. Slišiš samo bitje svojega srca, ki te vedno znova opominja da moraš naprej. ”Spet sem tu” si misliš. Na istem mestu, kot sem bila že milijonkrat, razočarana in spozabljena.

-Bojana Borštnar

And suddenly you realize that you keep forgetting about the time, about things and people that are around you, you even keep forgetting about yourself. The moments keep passing by, but you only stand there without moving or feeling anything. The wind blows and brings noises with him, but you can’t hear anything, you are numb. You only hear the beating of your own heart, which keeps reminding you that you have to move on. ”I am in this state again” you say to yourself. All by myself, disappointed and forgotten.

- Bojana Borštnar

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